Peace Magazine: Table of Content

Peace Magazine

Table of Content

• published Oct 07, 2024 • last edit Oct 07, 2024


Between the Hammer of War and the Anvil of Natural Disasters

The war in Sudan is killing more people than the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, writes Mutasim Ali.

Stolen Pride

In this transcript of their forum, Arlie Hochschild and Metta Spencer discuss Arlie’s research in Appalachia,
where she went to find out what makes American right wingers tick. It’s partly their sense of wounded pride

War’s Hidden Victim

Ukraine is asking the International Criminal Court to declare Russia guilty of environmental war crimes, notes Alexander Belyakov. If that succeeds, it will be an unprecedented legal achievement.

Saving the Ice

Vinton Cerf, Robert Axelrod, Robert Luebke,and Peter Wadhams discuss a proposal to pump water from under the ice sheets to the top, so glaciers cannot slide so easily off into the ocean as the earth warms.

Monitoring International Treaty Process

Arthur Edelstein has been keeping tabs on whether all countries are signing the international treaties.

Revsiting the ‘Limits to Growth’ Debate

Mark Jaccard and John Feffer discuss an old issue: whether we can allow economic growth in a world of finite resources, and how to plan if we decide not.

Nairobi’s Kibera

Visiting this Kenyan slum, Brendan Collins met a most remarkable social activist, Aquaman, who has created
jobs and access to clean water for his neighbors.

Dethroning King Coal

Fossil fuel-generated electricity has to be replaced soon with renewables, but even a half-way measure, a shift to gas from coal, can save a lot of lives and help the climate.

Russia’s Electricity

Russia is slow in adopting renewable sources of electricity. Konstantin Samoilov advocates a turn to natural gas.

A Nonviolent March through Nova Scotia, Canada

Jill Carr-Harris tells of a 200-kilometer walk for peace led by the Mi’kmaq Grassroots Grandmothers.

Physicists Against the Bomb

Stewart Prager and Roohi Dalal tell us about a new group of physicists to promote abolition of nuclear weapons.

The World Court’s Opinion on Israel’s Occupation

In July, the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s occupation of Palestine illegal, notes Thomas Woodley.

Pleistocene Park

John Bacher reports that the Zimovs believe that the Siberian megafauna were killed off by human hunters with spears.

Exploring Ocean-Based Climate Solutions

Peter Fiekowsky and Kathryn Moran discuss two different ways of removing carbon from the air and sequestering it in oceans.

Lois Wilson

We’ve lost our beloved sponsor, who had headed the United Church and had been a Canadian senator. Bruna Nota will miss their lunches together.

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