Peace Magazine: Do You Understand Carbon Sequestration?

Peace Magazine

Do You Understand Carbon Sequestration?

• published Jul 09, 2024 • last edit Jul 11, 2024

Nature provides several easily achievable ways of re- moving carbon from the atmosphere and locking it up for a long time. If done on a large enough scale, this can stop and even reverse global warming. Some of those methods also have other beneficial effects and few, if any, harmful side effects. They are even financially profitable for the user, so, as activists concerned about repairing the climate, we should all be promoting them.

If you aren’t doing so, why not? Probably because you’re not well-in- formed. You may imagine that nothing can be done to stop the climate crisis. So, can you answer the following seven questions about one of the easiest of these methods?

If you aren’t sure which answers are correct, you can learn the answers and all the other basic facts by enrolling in Project Save the World’s course on Udemy, “Become a Climate Change Influencer.” It is absolutely free of charge and can be completed in ten or fifteen hours – even less if you skip the practical assignments and just watch the two hours of experts discussing on our forums. But first, test your knowledge here:

1. What is an environmental problem caused by excess fertilizer?
• A. Air pollution
• B. Soil erosion
• C. Eutrophication
• D. Deforestation
• E. Desertification

2. What is a good reason for adding biochar to soil along with rock dust?
• A. To increase the soil’s acidity
• B. To retain nutrients and prevent them from washing away
• C. To decrease the soil’s pH level
• D. To attract pollinators
• E. To increase soil compaction

3. What is one promising way to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?
• A. Protecting honey bees
• B. Enhanced weathering
• C. Reducing fossil fuel use
• D. Increasing ocean salinity
• E. Using more synthetic fertilizers

4. What benefit does seaweed offer when added to agricultural soil?
• A. It increases the soil’s temperature
• B. It captures CO2 and, as a biostimulator, improves food production
• C. It decreases the soil’s water retention
• D. It repels pests and insects
• E. It reduces the need for irrigation

5. What additional benefit does enhanced weathering provide besides capturing carbon?
• A. Reducing soil erosion
• B. Improving water retention
• C. Increasing soil acidity
• D. Enhancing crop yields
• E. Promoting pest resistance

6. What is one cost-effective benefit of using previously quarried or mined products in agriculture?
• A. Reduced transportation costs
• B. Reduced need for irrigation
• C. Using energy already spent on extraction
• D. Improved soil acidity
• E. Increased crop variety

7. • What is a potential downside of using mine tailings for carbon sequestration?
• A. They may not react well with soil
• B. They may require high maintenance
• C. They may contain metals that are toxic to life
• D. They may decompose quickly
• 10. They may not capture enough carbon dioxide

If you’re not sure which answers are correct, go to look at a short introduction to the course and, if you like the idea, enroll in it. https:// – come-a-climate-change-influencer

Published in Peace Magazine Vol.40, No.3 Jul-Sep 2024
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