Peace Magazine: Daddy, What Did You Do to Save the World

Peace Magazine

Daddy, What Did You Do to Save the World

• published Feb 03, 2025 • last edit Feb 04, 2025

Now it’s harder. The crises are so global that small local actions seem inadequate. You need to learn more and build global partnerships. How do you keep up to date and become influential? Let Project Save the World help.


OUR WEBSITE,, has a page for each of the following nine issues, showing hundreds of posts that others have shared and a place for you to comment or reply:

OUR QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER, Peace Magazine, goes without charge by email to 14,000 NGOs and to individual subscribers for Can $20/year through Google directs people to specific articles here:

OUR FORUMS, We frequently host one-hour-long forum discussions by experts about serious global issues on Youtube ( and our website,, where there’s a scroll window, currently showing 647 clickable titles. Clicking opens a page where you can watch the video or listen to the audio podcast. We also post the video and audio files of our forums to, plus a separate 1,000-word article about each forum. They are all free at present but soon new essays will fade out after a couple of paragraphs except for subscribers who pay US$8 per month. There will be other treats for paying subscribers.

OUR GLOBAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS. On the last Sunday of every month, Project Save the World hosts a two-hour-long open meeting by Zoom for activists around the world to talk about whatever is on your minds. It’s from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Eastern (Toronto) time at Since a recent “Zoom bombing,” we now require new attendees to sign in with your email address. Please keep your video camera on throughout the conversation. Bots are unwelcome. We post the video recordings of these meetings as one of our forums.

MEMBERSHIP IN PROJECT SAVE THE WORLD. As a not-for-profit corporation in Ontario, Canada, Project Save the World has a membership body that meets occasionally (with informal monthly discussions on Zoom) and that elects the board of directors, 14 global leaders who each specialize in one of the six threats or three policy sectors listed above. The directors meet by zoom three times each year. We invite people to become members of PSTW if they have contributed significantly to the work of the organization. Some do so by speaking as panelists on the forums; some by authoring an article or review published in Peace Magazine or serving on the editorial board of that newsletter; some by such services as writing grant applications or editing the transcripts of forums; and some by contributing financially. There is a donation button on the blue menu bar of our website,, where you can contribute through Paypal. Or, just by becoming a paying subscriber on Substack, you will be contributing financially as a suitable person for membership. In addition to the monthly Zoom meetings, members have access to a password-controlled page on our website where the chat boxes of various meetings are posted and there is a comment column for discussions. In addition, there is the monthly meeting for members and occasionally other Zoom events exclusively for our members.

UDEMY COURSE: “BECOME A CLIMATE CHANGE INFLUENCER, We offer a free course on Udemy for people who wish to acquire skills and knowledge enough to assume leadership roles in combatting climate change. This course can be completed in 15 hours and includes clips from a series of forums about the use of soil amendments to capture and sequester carbon. The assignments give practical experience developing skills as an influencer.

Published in Peace Magazine Vol.41, No.1 Jan-Mar 2025
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