April-June 2019: Vol.35 No.2

Newsworthy: Elections in Ukraine; Basel Divestment Meeting; Nuclear Weapons Budget; The ‘Paris Call’ for Cyberspace; Inevitable Arctic Warming

Metta Spencer: From the Editor

Letters: Our Readers Write

Uighur Repression in China
The Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, where a majority of citizens are Turkic-speaking Muslims, is a fearful place of widespread surveillance and re-education camps. Yusur Al-Bahrani reports on the ongoing human rights struggle in China’s westernmost region.

After the INF Treaty?
Metta Spencer in conversation with three nuclear disarmament experts: Sergey Rogov, academic director of the USA-Canada Institute in Moscow; Theodore A. Postol, emeritus professor of science and technology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Douglas Roche, former Canadian senator, ambassador for disarmament, and Peace Magazine honorary patron.

North Korea: Isolation or Engagement?
Dialogue is better than confrontation. The Hon. *Lois Wilson*—also a former senator and a Peace Magazine patron—recommends that Canada step up to the plate and work on normalizing relations with North Korea. (As we go to press there is a breakfast in Ottawa for women who are demanding just that. Their new group is called “Korea Peace Now.”)

The Ben-Gurion Interrogation
Montreal activist and videographer abraham Weizfeld takes a fresh look at the demographics of Israel/Palestine. His proposal, which might sound audacious, is of a federation which would accurately reflect the class and social strata of a complex society where nearly half the Jewish population is of North African descent.

Follow SNC-Lavalin’s Big Money
In 2011, the Harper government sold the government’s CANDU nuclear reactor division for a mere $15 million. The buyers—the logistics and engineering company SNC-Lavalin—are now bringing fresh grief to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. Erika Simpson reviews the company’s recent history.

The Siren
Anna Karetnikova is a prison administrator in Moscow. She reflects on the nuclear alarm drills of her high school years in what was then the Soviet Union, and the panic effect of hearing an early morning siren in present-day Russia. This is a photo of the jail where she works.

Canada’s Main Peace Man: The Hon. Douglas Roche O.C.
A profile of Douglas Roche, who is about to be awarded the Sean MacBride Peace Prize, by Edmonton writer Sheila Pratt. The Hon. Douglas Roche O.C. can also be found in the panel discussion on pages 8-15; a book review on page 27; and (in an ad for his investiture) on the back cover.

Reviews: Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner reviewed by Douglas Roche; Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Assassination Generation: Video Games, Aggression and the Psychology of Killing reviewed by Rose Dyson.

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Cover of Apr-Jun 2019 issue

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