?Episode 130: Climate as War
Seth Klein, formerly director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, discusses his new book. It shows how Canada mobilized for World War II with astonishing rapidity, and how the lessons learned from that experience can be applied now to handle the climate emergency.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/130-climate-as-war-0
Episode 131: Reaching Net Zero
William Fletcher and Craig Smith are co-authors of an optimistic book arguing that it’s feasible to reduce carbon emissions enough to prevent a global catastrophe, using known, available technologies.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/131-reaching-net-zero
Episode 132: The World in Sept. 2020
This monthly Global Town Hall meeting discussed innovations to help reduce global warming; Covid-10’s effects in Nepal; the wearing of poppies in remembrance of wars; and the depletion of frogs because mosquitoes are being vanquished. Activists are invited to these events on the last Sunday of every month.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/132-the-world-in-sept-2020
Episode 133: Jai Jagat and Armenia
Jill Carr-Harris led a group of Gandhian marchers from India, planning to reach Geneva a year later — but the pandemic struck. She tells Metta about their adventures in India, Pakistan, Nepal, UAE, and (especially) Armenia, where they learned aboutthe tensions over Nagorno-Karabakh. Now that war has broken out again there, she wants Canadians to press for the CSCE to complete its peacemaking task.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/133-jai-jagat-and-armenia
Episode 134: Von Hippel vs. the Nukes
Physicist Frank von Hippel worked with Soviet scientists to halt the nuclear arms race during the Cold War. Because Gorbachev shared their attitude, they largely succeeded, as he explains to Metta. He continues studying the safety aspects of nuclear power and promotes a ban on the reprocessing of nuclear waste to recover plutonium. Apart from its danger to human health, plutonium is a risk because of its potential effects on the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/134-von-hippel-vs-the-nukes
Episode 135: Venezuela Now
Angel Alvarez and Maria Puerta, expatriates from Venezuela, join Alba Purroy, who remains in Caracas as a peacebuilder, in briefing Metta on the sources of the political impasse between two groups claiming the right to govern their homeland.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/135-venezuela-now
Episode 136: The World in October 2020
This is the October meeting of Project Save the World’s monthly Global Town Hall. We were celebrating the ratification by Honduras of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, for this was the 50th ratification, which means that in 90 days it will take force as an international law. Regrettably, it will not be binding on the very countries who are affected by it—those states that actually possess nuclear weapons. Therefore, we talked about the choices of next steps to bring them into line, and begin abolishing these hideous weapons. The conversation spread out to cover a wide range of topics, as activists from Russia and Burundi shared their concerns.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/136-the-world-in-october-2020-0
Episode 137: Canada’s Arms Trade
Cesar Jaramillo is director of Project Ploughshares and Kelsey Gallagher works there studying the global trade in conventional arms. They discuss their concerns about Canada’s failure to obey its own laws regarding the export of weapons to countries at risk of misusing them.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/137-canadas-arms-trade
Episode 138: Nagorno-Karabakh
Bernard Dreano is a French economist who often writes about war and peace in the Caucasus. On the day after a Russian-imposed ceasefire in the 2020 war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, he and Metta discuss the history of the conflict between these countries over Nagorno-Karabakh, and consider the prospects for a peaceful solution to the conflict.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/138-nagorno-karabakh-1
Episode 139: Saving Carbon in Soil
Tom Newmark runs a farm in Costa Rica with a lodge for visitors who want to learn about regenerative farming. He co-founded The Carbon Underground, an organization devoted to promoting improved methods of farming that sequesters carbon in soil —a technology that is probably the most promising of the many solutions to the climate crisis. Here he chats with Metta, Peter Meincke, and Adam Wynne about these possibilities.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/139-saving-carbon-in-soil
Episode 140: The World in November 2020
This is Project Save the World’s November get-together online, the Global Town Hall. We talk about reviving arbitration and negotiation as means of resolving disputes—possibly even war (ie the Pig War between Canada and the US). We get an update from Germany about the US nuclear weapons based there, and find that several people have already been running talk shows like the ones we are running – and the new weekday show we’re planning.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/140-the-world-in-november-2020-0
Episode 141: Love our Trees
Eric Davies, Parag Kadam, and Theri Reichlin are young foresters who met as students in Toronto. They tell Metta and Adam Wynne about their current work. Eric is working with corporations, and he sees that they have much to contribute in urban forestry. Parag is interested in the economics of managing common property, including forests. Theri is teaching school children how to plant trees and look after them. They are all worried about the deterioration of biodiversity, especially in cities.
• projectsavetheworld.libsyn.com/141-love-our-trees
Peace Magazine Jan-Mar 2021, page 30. Some rights reserved.
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