The nuclear ship lawsuit, concernmg a public environmental review of nuclear ship visits, has been adjourned until June 1992 in the Federal Court of Canada (Vancouver). The adjournment was requested by the Department of Justice senior lawyer when over 800 pages of material in 37 separate affadavits had been filed on behalf of the applicants. The lawsuit asks the court to strike down two federal cabinet orders passed October '91 which pre-authorized visits of nuclear warships of the U.S. and the U.K. to Canadian ports. The lawsuit also asks the federal court to order the federal government to conduct a free public environmental review of nuclear ship visits to greater Victoria.
The eleventh annual peace walk and rally took place in Victoria on Saturday, April 25.
The B.C. peace movement expects premier Mike Harcourt to declare B.C. a nuclear weapons free zone.
The Indonesia Kit produced by the East Timor Alert Network (ETAN) has come out recently. It is designed for secondary students, college and university classes, and community groups. Its breezy journalistic style makes it easy to read and its question raising format makes it a natural take-off point for discussion of issues such as human rights, self- determination and environmental sustainability. Order from ETAN, 104-2120 W. 44th ave, Vancouver, B.C., V6M 2G2.
Four West Coast bases, including the major naval base at Esquimalt, are being assessed for massive pollution problems, according to a recent Canadian DND study.
RIMPAC '92, the most comprehensive allied naval exercise regularly held in the Pacific will be held this year from June 19-July 28. Canada has been a regular participant.
For Voice of Women and Canadian Peace Alliance meetings, see Calendar.
Deborah Ferens, Site 52, RR#2, Gabriola Island, B.C. V0R 1X0 604/247-5335
One hundred years after Columbus "discovered" America, Ontario activists continue work on recovery.
Three representatives of the Innu Nation visited communities across southern Ontario on a tour organized by ACT for Disarmament. Kathleen Nuna, Elizabeth Penashue and her son Bart Penashue brought the latest news about low-level military flyiing over Innu land in Nitasssinan. The tour included schools and community centres in Guelph, Hamilton-Burlington, Kitchener, Lindsay, Oakville, Peterborough and Toronto. The trio participated in Drumbeat at Six Nations Indian Reserve and led an ACT demonstration April 4 in Toronto protesting the flights. ACT collected more than 6,000 signatures for its 100,000 signatures drive.
Groups across the province have been involved in "500 Years" activities. In Peterborough, the traditional Elders' Gathering was the largest in years. In Brantford in January, community support activist Henry Evans spoke about "Oka 1992." In Toronto in mid-April, Project Indigenous Restoration brought Elders, Chiefs and other traditional speakers from as far away as South America to Toronto. Events included workshops in the school, music and workshops on environmental and cultural restoration.
1992 is a significant year; too, for two peace organizations. Both ACT and the Alliance for Non-Violent Action are celebrating their 10th anniversaries. ACT is planning its 10th annual spring protest for peace Saturday, May 16 starting at Queens Park at noon. For information call ACT at (416) 531-6154. Members of ANVA are involved in Men Walking Against Male Violence. The walk leaves Windsor on April 4 and arrives in Toronto on May 8. For information call (416) 651-5930.
Planning continues for the Ontario Peace Conference Sept.11 to 13. The theme of OPC '92 is Building Peace Culture in Ontario: Working Together For Change. We need to hear as soon as possible from people wishing to attend. Participation is open to everyone, but to plan effectively we need to know in advance how many people are planning to attend. Contact the OPC c/o ACT Oakville, P.O. Box 7378, Oakville, Ontario 16J 6L6. (416) 531-6154, (416) 844-4453.
If your group's campaigns aren't listed here, it's because we haven't heard from you.
Allen Skye, P.O.Box 801 Peterborough, Ontario K1J 7A2 (705) 741-4457
Peace Magazine May-Jun 1992, page 27. Some rights reserved.
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