A Montréal group is forming to support the Survival Gathering and Rolling Blockade at Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. The objective is to assist the Lac La Hache Indian band in stopping uranium mining and refining in their area. Contact: Montréal Coalition for Disarmament, 392-3008 or 495-4088. (See the Calendar listing for Saskatchewan.)
The Georgian Peace Project at Owen Sound, Ontario has been concentrating on developing a peace and development curriculum with the Grey County Board of Education. To compare notes, contact Michele Lavin, (519)376-8601.
North Bay, Ontario has been the site of an exhibit of children's art from the Soviet Union during May. In July, some Canadian children's art will be exhibited in Gorky Park, Leningrad, in an exchange arrangement.
On June 7, the Fort Qu'Appelle Peace Group will open its Store front peace place, called the "One Stop Peace and Justice Information Centre." Volunteers will be on hand every day, Tuesday to Friday 10-2, and on Saturdays, 10-5. Books and pamphlets will he available on peace and justice.
The Prairie Christian Training Centre, Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, is planning its Third Peacemakers Conference or Sept. 13-15: "Peacing it Together." Registration fee of $78 includes accommodation, tuition. Contact Floyd Howlitt, 332-5691.
The Innu Campaign Against the Militarization of Nitassinan greatly appreciated the support they received during their October 1984 campaign. However, more must be done to convince the government to terminate its plans to turn Nitassinan into a massive NATO training facility at the expense of the Innut. For information on who you can write to, or how you can help, contact: Peter Penashue (English), do NMIA, Sheshatshiu, Labrador, A0P 1M0, or Conseil de bande de La Romaine (francais), La Romaine, PQ G0G 1M0.
Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND), founded by Dr. Helen Caldicott, has established a Canadian branch in Calgary. For copies of their first newsletter, their resource questionnaire, or more information, write to: Bettie Fox, coordinator, WAND Canada, 233 10th St. N.W., Calgary, AB T2N 4J5 (403-270-3044).
"40 Days to Stop 40 Years of the Arms Race Organizing Booklet" is a 7-page pamphlet on how to plan for events around the 40th Anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. To obtain a copy, write to: Mobilization for Survival, 853 Broadway, New York, NY 10003.
An international seminar on "The Future of the Peace Movements: An Intellectual Challenge" will be held in Helsingor (Elsinore), Denmark, August 4th to 10th. For more information and brochures, write to: Den Intemationale Hojskole/International People's College, Montebello Alle 1, DK-3000 Helsingor, Denmark.
For information on reserving a telephone line from Peace Park in Hiroshima, in order to broadcast their Hiroshima Day ceremony, write to: World Hiroshima Day Telephone Project, World Friendship Centre, 5-8-20 Midori, Minami-ku Hiroshima 734 Japan. Please specify the language in which you would like to receive your brochure.
People for Peace is sponsoring the "World Sing Out for Peace" to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. For information on this project, write to: Cookie Anderson, 3195 5 Superior St., Milwaukee, WI USA 53207 (414-483-2430, or -481-9213).
Thoughts on Peace and Security is a bi-monthly publication dealing with precisely those issues. For subscription or editorial information write to: Thoughts on Peace and Security, P0 Box 608, Victoria Station, Montréal, PQ H3Z 2Y7.
As the Cruise Missile Conversion Project (CMCP) organizes for its non-violent civil disobedience action at Litton to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Hiroshima an Nagasaki bombings they are welcoming interested (or uninterested) groups to invite CMCP to any appropriate forum for a discussion of their ideas and methods. For a copy of their letter on this subject, or to talk to them about it, contact: CMCP, 730 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON M55 2R4 (416-532-6720).
On April 2nd Kingston City Council unanimously passed a motion respectfully requesting the Government of Canada to support, in the United Nations, all resolutions in support of a comprehensive test-ban treaty and subsequent "nuclear freeze." The eight-clause motion outlines the recent history of broken test-ban treaties and the potential tragedy of nuclear war. It also notes the spread of famine and disease at a time when the world's scarce resources are being devoted to a massive arms build-up that could destroy mankind... From The Whig Standard.
The San Francisco Study Group for Peace and Disarmament has just produced their first issue of Thinkpeace. The publication includes a very interesting section called "Ideas" which deals with strategies, tactics, general philosophy and specific method. Subscriptions are $10 a year. Contact: S.F. Study Group, 2735 Franklin St., San Franciso, CA 94123
Saltspring Island, B.C., is planning to organize a twinning arrangement with a Soviet city. The Saltspring peace groups are busy writing letters to politicians opposing Canada's possible acquiescence to the Star Wars research and development program. A reminder: "Gathering for Life on Earth," hosted by Pagans for Peace takes place July 19th to 22nd. For more details, write: Sam Wagar, Dragonfly Farm, Lake St. Peter, ON KOL 2K0.
A Case for Non-Violent Resistance is a new publication by CMCP. Covering a wide variety of related topics, it is a compilation of articles by members and supporters of CMCP on the theory and practice of non-violent resistance. Copies are $3 (1 -- 10), or $2 (10~) plus 15% for postage. Write to: CMCP, 730 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON MSS 2R4.
For information on the "1985 Institutes on Peace Education," write to: Betty Reardon, Peace Education, Box 171 Teacher's College, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. The first institute will be held July 7th -- 13th at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.
Peace Magazine June 1985, page 23. Some rights reserved.