"International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace (1985) was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in order to bring about greater awareness of the situation of youth, and to seek solutions to the problems of youth which, in the larger sense, are the challenges of society as a whole."
So begins the call for papers for an international conference "Issues for the Next Generation: Canada and the world around us," to be held at York University in Toronto in August of this year.
University students, youth group leaders, and young trade unionists are being asked to submit one-page outlines of papers on the areas of Development and Underdevelopment, Ecology, Education, Human Rights, Peace and War, Political Culture, Technology, Women's Issues, and Work.
Outlines must be submitted by April 15 to Issues for the Next Generation, Lev. S. Gonick, c/o Political Science Department, York University, 4700 Keele St., Downsview, ON M3J IP3.
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The Working Group of the South Pacific Forum has made good progress in identifying the elements of a treaty declaring the Pacific a nuclear-free zone, and has set up a legal drafting sub-committee to report in January.
At its summit last August, the South Pacific Forum decided in principle to declare a nuclear-free zone, and set up the working group. The Forum provided a set of principles concerning the requirements of the proposed zone and asked the group, chaired by Australia, to examine the legal and other issues.
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Members of the engineering profession of Ontario are becoming increasingly concerned with the threat of nuclear war and wish to promote world peace and disarmament. They have now formed a new group, Engineers for Nuclear Disarmament.
This group will promote discussion of nuclear warfare issues, publicize the effects of the arms race, and encourage the government to refrain from participating in the escalation of the nuclear arms race.
Organizers of the new group hope that it will provide an avenue of action for the concerns of all engineers on these vital issues. Professional engineers are invited to join by writing to: Engineers for Nuclear Disarmament, P.O. Box 558, Station Z, Toronto ON M5N 2Z6.
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Gene Carrol reports in the March 1985 issues of Disarmament Campaigns that, since the International Economic Conversion Conference in Boston College last summer, several economic conversion and industrial planning activities are proceeding in the US.
Task forces in Connecticut and Minnesota are introducing legislation on economic con-version, and the San Diego, California, Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign sponsored a conference on the topic in February. One out of four jobs in San Diego are tied to military spending. National economic conversion was also one of the chief agenda items at the International Association of Machinists' national legislative conference, also held in February.
In the US Congress, Representative Ted Weiss of New York introduced a bill entitled The Defense Economic Adjustment Act, which calls for the creation of alternative use committees at military production facilities. It would also provide income and health benefits and economic adjustment assistance to all workers and communities adversely affected by cuts in military spending.
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The third annual Toronto Disarmament Network "Move-a-thon" is due to take place on May 26th. In previous years, the fundraising event went by the name of "Walk-a-thon," but the new name reflects the general "non-motorized-vehicle" guideline. Wheel-chairs, skateboards and bicycles are options for those incapable of fancy footwork. The TTC, however, is right out of the question. As you've all heard before, peace work does cost money, so any locomoting you'd care to do would certainly be appreciated. The proceeds go to the TDN and its constituent groups (which, by the way, includes Peace Magazine). Interested ambulators, tele-porters and others can contact the TDN at 535-8005.
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The Peace-Bell Treaty urges you to join their efforts. From 12 noon to 1 pm in each time zone of the world, on the second Sunday in May (Mother's Day), children, women & men will gather together and declare peace with the ringing of bells. For further info or a copy of the treaty, write c/o Dr. Jack Mayer, Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450 U.S.A.
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A follow-up to the interview with Phillip Berrigan in The Peace Calendar, March 1984 Re: The Plowshares Eight Case. After considering their appeal from a lower court, a Pennsylvania appellate court ruled that eight activists who had damaged missile components at a GTE plant had been denied a fair trial when they were not allowed to present expert testimony on nuclear weapons and international law. The case is now before the state Supreme Court... from the Northwest Nuclear XChange
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From the Journal for European Nuclear Disarmament Spain will become the first country to hold a national referendum on whether to continue its membership in NATO, in February, 1986. Recent opinion polls indicate that a majority of the Spanish people favour withdrawal.
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"Frontenac Action for Peace" has been very active since its inception in June 1984. The group is based in the rural area north of Kingston, Ontario. Anyone wishing to join them in their efforts or just more information, call 613-374-3349.
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Meetings are being held in Toronto to develop Russian language skills. Strictly non-political, non-sectarian and cost-free. Call Rose, 925-8575.
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Pagans for Peace will be hosting a "Gathering for Life on Earth," July 19th-22nd. The gathering will focus around spiritual-political synthesis, networking of Pagan political activists, such as peace, feminism, gay rights, Green, native and anti-imperialist activism. Donations to cover costs welcome. For more details, write Pagans for Peace, c/o Sam Wagar, Dragonfly Farm, Lake St. Peter, Ontario KOL 2K0.
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From Northwest Nuclear X Change...Two ground breaking actions occurred February 22nd when the nuclear train passed through Washington. In Vancouver, 106 people were arrested in the largest civil disobedience action yet against the train. In Bangor, police voluntarily stopped the train as 20 people sat on the tracks and 250 sat some distance away.
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A new issue of Revue Internationale d'Action Communautaire is devoted entirely to academic analyses of the peace movement. It is published by Ecole de Service Social, University of Montreal H3C 3J7. $10.00 PER COPY.
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Disarmament Campaigns and END Journal, both fine magazines published in Europe, are offering a package deal - a subscription to both for $22 US. Contact: Disarmament Campaigns, Postbox 18747, 2502 ES s'Gravenhage, The Netherlands.
Peace Magazine April 1985, page 29. Some rights reserved.
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