
Danish Police Strategy against Climate Protesters Revealed

Danish police used wire traps, undercover agents, and detained people in cages to “decapitate” protests at the Copenhagen climate summit, according to activists quoted in the Guardian.

“Police have been trying to decapitate the [protesters’] organization by arresting spokespeople, because they thought that if they took certain people, it would stop the demonstration taking place,” said Kamille Kosod of Climate Justice Action. “But they completely misunderstood how we work.”

Source: The Guardian.

Order of Canada Recipents call for a Nuclear Weapons Convention

426 recipients of the Order of Canada have called for international negotiations to achieve a Nuclear Weapons Convention – a verifiable treaty on the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. Their statement reads: “We call on all member States of the United Nations – including Canada – to endorse and begin negotiations for, a Nuclear Weapons Convention as proposed by the UN Secretary-General in his five point plan for nuclear disarmament.”

A Model Convention was presented to the UN in 1997 and has now been formally supported by 125 of its member-states. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in a speech titled “Five Steps to a Nuclear-Free World”, stated that “all countries could consider negotiating a nuclear weapons convention, backed by a strong verification system.” The Canadian government, unfortunately, though supporting the NWC in principle, states that accepting it as a part of its foreign policy is “premature”.

Source: Murray Thomson OC

Peace Magazine Jan-Mar 2010

Peace Magazine Jan-Mar 2010, page 31. Some rights reserved.

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