
Canadian Peace Alliance

The new coordinator of the Canadian Peace Alliance is Pam Frache. She received her degree in political science from the University of Victoria and was the B.C. chair of Canadian Federation of Students. She also worked as a researcher for the Postal Workers Union in Ottawa. Her job at CPA is to "facilitate campaign work among local groups and to encourage grassroots activity." Her immediate task is to contact the new government about its policy review and find out how local groups can be included. Thanks to Gideon Forman for a job well done.

World Court Project

Marion Frank of Veterans Against Nuclear Arms reports that the World Court Project is going ahead with more signatures and will continue until "nuclear weapons are gone." For more information about the campaign and VANA's Annual General Meeting call Marion Frank 487-0625. For a 28-minute video interview with Commander Robert Green, call Project Ploughshares or Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.

Women's Budget

The Canadian Women's Budget calls for all segments of society to work together to transform the Cold War economy into a peace economy. Copies are available from WILPF, Ottawa, Box 4781, Station E. Ottawa K1S 5H9 for $15. Sr. Rosalie Bertell, Bill Robinson of Project Ploughshares, Richard Sanders of Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, Linda McQuaig, journalists, and Marion Frank assisted with the budget.

NGOs in Former Yugoslavia

The Institute for War and Peace Reporting has produced a directory of indigenous non-governmental organizations and independent media in the former Yugoslavia. There are over 80 organizations listed. For a copy contact Peace Magazine.

Human Rights Commissioner Coming

A U.N. working group has approved the first international commissioner for human rights, as proposed 45 years ago. The commissioner will be appointed for four years.

ARM-X Again?

ARMX could return in 1994 unless we work again to stop it. This news comes from Press for Conversion. Write to Richard Sanders, 489 Metcalfe St., Ottawa K1S 3N7 for copies of the "Petition for a Peace Dividend and Economic Conversion."

Somali Women Meet

Voice of Women for Peace has coordinated a Somali Women's Dialogue which has brought 80 Somali women from many areas together in Toronto to discuss the war and conflict resolution.

VOW is also active in the plans for the 1995 U.N. World Conference for Women in Beijing. Contact Carolyn Langdon 537-9343 to participate.

Peacekeeping Conference

A conference took place Oct. 22-23 at Simon Fraser University on "The Future of International Peacekeeping." Videos of it can be obtained from UNAC, 101-1956 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1Z2 or 604-732-0448

Peace Magazine Jan-Feb 1994

Peace Magazine Jan-Feb 1994, page 31. Some rights reserved.

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