The Department of National Defence issued its White Paper on Defence in 1987 and ever since peace groups have been writing their own visions of Canada's defence policy. These have had effect. The DND has refused to hold public hearings on policy so the Canadian Peace Alliance has organized a Citizens' Inquiry in which everyone across Canada can participate. To motivate our readers to give presentations we include statements from five groups who plan to participate. One is even making a 'security blanket.' Consult the list of dates and places for the tour and arrange to get on the schedule or send in your submission.
Through the Citizens' Inquiry into Peace and Security, Canadians must send their government a simple message: "It is not military force that makes us secure!" We will be insecure as long as there are those who feel that they are being treated unjustly and that they must resort to force to correct that injustice. Our scientific resources, which have been squandered in a futile search for military security and a frantic drive to satisfy artificially created desires, must be used to remove injustice, enhance communication, and support better means for dispute resolution.
At its April annual general meeting CPPNW members voted to give financial support to the Citizens' Inquiry. The Inquiry is seen to embody the highly desirable principle of allowing ordinary people an opportunity to define security and to suggest the means for promoting it,
rather than leave the matter to be dealt with by entrenched thinking, as exemplified by the 1987 White Paper on Defence. CPPNW health workers have been encouraged to submit individual proposals to the Inquiry, as well as to contribute to an organizational response.
At a time when Canadian foreign and defence policies are undergoing review, the Citizens' Inquiry will provide an opportunity for Canadians to speak out for policies based on the principle of common security-the security of all nations and people. This means reduced military spending and increased funding to address the real security threats: environmental degradation and growing poverty.
This is the beginning of our Calgary Disarmament Coalition Security Quilt: a project conceived by the Calgary Disarmament Coalition (CDC). The purpose of the Quilt is to express in the universal language of symbolism, the meaning of security and it will be presented by the CDC as a joint submission to the Citizens' Inquiry into Peace and Security. The names of each individual and their respective organization will be listed on the back of the Quilt. Present in the photo are Doug Ward, Lorena Mowers, Kate Lovett, Sue Lane, Yvonne Stanford, Noreen Murphy and Denise Young.
Peace Magazine Sep-Oct 1991, page 20. Some rights reserved.
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